Test IMG SRC: /images/recursion.gif
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Test Link: Google.com
Test Link: Google
Test Define: The act of changing the order of elements arranged in a particular order, as abc into acb, bac, etc., or of arranging a number of elements in groups made up of equal numbers of the elements in different orders, as a and b in ab and ba; a one-to-one transformation of a set with a finite number of elements.permutation
Test Char: Θ
Θ Theta < ISO-8859-1
Test IMG:

Test IMG:

Test Link: Google.com
Test Link: Google
Test Define: The act of changing the order of elements arranged in a particular order, as abc into acb, bac, etc., or of arranging a number of elements in groups made up of equal numbers of the elements in different orders, as a and b in ab and ba; a one-to-one transformation of a set with a finite number of elements.permutation
Test Char: Θ
Θ Theta < ISO-8859-1
// NOTICE: Copyright 1991-2008, Phillip Paul Fuchs
#define N 12 // number of elements to permute. Let N > 2
void QuickPerm(void) {
unsigned int a[N], p[N+1];
register unsigned int i, j, tmp; // Upper Index i; Lower Index j
for(i = 0; i < N; i++) { // initialize arrays; a[N] can be any type
a[i] = i + 1; // a[i] value is not revealed and can be arbitrary
p[i] = i;
} // for(i < N)
p[N] = N; // p[N] > 0 controls iteration and the index boundary for i
i = 1; // setup first swap points to be 1 and 0 respectively (i & j)
while(i < N) {
p[i]--; // decrease index "weight" for i by one
j = i % 2 * p[i]; // IF i is odd then j = p[i] otherwise j = 0
tmp = a[j]; // swap(a[j], a[i])
a[j] = a[i];
a[i] = tmp;
i = 1; // reset index i to 1 (assumed)
while (!p[i]) { // while (p[i] == 0)
p[i] = i; // reset p[i] zero value
i++; // set new index value for i (increase by one)
} // while(!p[i])
} // while(i < N)